Equal parts wife, mother, and creative enthusiast, I created MAE Mainstream from a need I felt to share my love for innovative communications and marketing. I knew I wanted to begin an evolving enterprise to help others, but defining a business model was somewhat of a challenge given the ever-evolving requirements for businesses in the social media and marketing arenas. I tailor a custom plan for each client and their individual needs

What I do for my clients requires flexibility and daily connections. I come from a large family, where we were encouraged to always keep creating new opportunities. Whether it’s with my family, my personal goals or when I’m collaborating — I strive to be a productively dedicated creative . I bridge the gap between a business and its customer base through a unique combination of research, energy, and marketing tailored to match your goals. If you’re interested in brainstorming with me on your next project or discussing your social media strategy - reach out here!